
Parsers are responsible for mapping native configuration/data to a YANG model.

Processing data

The first thing you have to know is what type of data you are dealing with and then select the appropiate parser. Each one initializes the data and makes it available in similar ways but you have to be aware of the particularities of each one.

You can select the parser with the metadata field:

    processor: TextTree
        - method: cli
              commands: ["show running-config all"]

That block not only specifies which parser to use but how to retrieve the data necessary for the parser to operate for that particular model.

Available processors are:

Rule Directives

name Available on description
when list, container, leaf If this field is True the rule will be executed. Otherwise it won't.
from list, container, leaf Under normal circumstances
path list, container, leaf Which attributes to advanced. See examples_lists for details.
default list, container, leaf If ``path`` fails to resolve assign this value to the resolved object
key list Post processing/formatting of the key value
regexp list, leaf On lists regexp will be applied over the key. Use it to filter results and capture extra data.
On leaves, regexp will assign as value the capture group value
value leaf Post processing/formatting of the value
map leaf When a map (dictionary) is provided, the value will be *resolved* using it assigning the new corresponding value.
present leaf If present: yes value will be True if path resolves properly. If present: no value will be True if path can't find the attribute. In the rest of the cases the value will be False
gate leaf, container, leaf If gate is present with any value we will stop traversing the tree. This is mostly useful in containers as you can stop processing a branch under conditions where you know you will not find a match.
attribute leaf This attribute is specific to the XMLParser. XML documents can add information in the form of attributes. You can complement a path with this field to extract the attribute from the element found in path.


When a list is traversed you will always have available a key with name $(attribute)_key. In addition, you will have parent_key as the key of the immediate parent object. Example.


Bookmarks are points of interest in the configuration. Usually, you will be gathering blocks of configurations and parsing on those as you progress. However, sometimes the data you need is somewhere else. For those cases you can use the bookmarks within the from field to pick the correct block of configuration.

Bookmarks are created automatically according to these rules:

  • At the begining of each model a bookmark of name root_$first_attribute_name will point to the list of data that the parser requires. Example
  • When a container is traversed, a bookmark will be created with name $attribure_name
  • When a list is traveresed, each element of the list will have its own bookmark with name $attribute_name.$key.


The regexp directive lets you capture any arbitary amount of information you want. All captured groups will be avaible to you inside the extra_vars.$attribute ($attribute is the attribute where the additional information was captured). Example.